
Sunday, March 7, 2021

TO BE - Exercises

 TO BE - Exercises

Ex. 1. Use the correct form of the verb TO BE (am/is/are)

1. The teacher ______ in the classroom now.

2. John and Mary _____ good friends. 

3. The men ______ tired. 

4. Those vehicles______ slow-moving.

5. Those weapons ______ powerful.

7. The train _____ ten minutes late.

8. ______ an undergraduate student. 

9. The instructor´s name _____ John Doe.

6. Doctor Smith _____ busy right now.

10. The instructors _____ in the staff-room.

Ex. 2. Answer these questions, as in the example

Is Tom a pilot? Yes, he is. He´s a pilot.

1. Are you in the office? Yes, _____________ _______________________________________

2. Is that man Mr. Clark? Yes, _____________ _______________________________________

3. Are we ready to go? ________________ _______________________________________

4. Am I a good instructor? ________________ _______________________________________

5. Are the students in class? ________________ _______________________________________

6. Is Miss Jones a secretary? ________________ _______________________________________

7. Is this a modern plane? ________________ _______________________________________

8. Are the manuals updated? ________________ _______________________________________

9. Is the bank open? ________________ _______________________________________

10. Are you hungry?  ________________ _______________________________________

Ex. 3. Answer the questions as in the example:

Are they instructors? (students) No, they are not. (They aren´t instructors) They ´re students

1. Are the boys angry?  (hungry)  No, _________________ ( _________________________)

2. Are you thirsty?  (hungry) ____________________ ( _________________________)

3. Is Bob at home?  (at work)  ____________________ ( _________________________)

4. Are the children happy?  (sad) ____________________ ( _________________________)

5. Is your brother a doctor? (an engineer) ____________________ ( _________________________)

6. Are your friends American? (British) ____________________ ( _________________________)

7. Are you a navy officer?(an army officer) ____________________ ( _________________________)

8. Is the table clean?  (dirty)  ____________________ ( _________________________)

9. Are the men old?  (young)  ____________________ ( _________________________)

10. Is Cpt. Bowman on duty?  (off duty)  ____________________ ( _________________________)

Ex. 4 Ask questions, as in the example below:

The Browns - at home Are the Browns at home?

1. The manager / in his office ___________________________________________________

2. Peter and John / in class ___________________________________________________

3. The course / interesting ___________________________________________________

4. Your friends / from Canada ___________________________________________________

5. The computer / connected to Internet ___________________________________________________

6. The package / light or heavy  ___________________________________________________

7. The pictures / clear  ___________________________________________________

8. The children / in the playground.___________________________________________________

9. The CD´s / in the drawer  ___________________________________________________

10. The maps / in the library ___________________________________________________

Ex. 5. Ask questions using the wh-words What?, Who?, Where?, How?, as in the example:

It´s a plane. What´s this? o What´s that?

1. It´s a knife ___________________________________________________

2. They´re books ___________________________________________________

3. The cigarettes are in the bag ___________________________________________________

4. I´m fine, thanks ___________________________________________________

5. The cat´s under the sofa ___________________________________________________

6. It´s a chair ___________________________________________________

7. That boy´s my brother ___________________________________________________

8. The books are on the table ___________________________________________________

9. The children are tired ___________________________________________________

10. That woman´s my wife ___________________________________________________

Ex. 6. Complete and practice these dialogues with a partner.

1. Saman : How do you do? My name ______ Saman.

Sarath : How do you do? My name ______ Sarath. Where ______ you from, Mr. Saman?

Saman : I ______ Sri Lankan. I ______ from Colombo.

Sarath : Oh. That ______ very interesting.

2. Kumara : Hello. My name ______ Kumara. What ______ your name?

Sudath : My name ______ Sudath. How ______ you?

Kumara : I ______ fine, thanks. ______ you a student here?

Sudath : No, I ______ not. I ______ an instructor.

Kumara : Oh. Pleased to meet you, Sir.

3. Nisal : Hello, Jeewan

Jeewan : Hello, Nisal. Who______ that girl?

Nisal : She ______ Dilshi. She ______ a new student.

Jeewan: Where ______ she from?

Nisal: She ______ from Galle.

Jeewan: ______ she single?

Nisal: No, she ______ ______. She ______ married.

Jeewan: Oh. That´s bad news.

4. Gayan: Where ______ you, Harsha?

Harsha: I ______ here, in the library.

Gayan: ______ you alone?

Harsha: No, I ______ ______. I ______ with my friend Keerthi. Come and meet her.

Harsha: This ______ Keerthi. She ______ my classmate . She ______ from Gampaha.

Gayan: Hello, I ______ glad to meet you, Keerthi. How ______ you?

Keerthi: I ______ fine, Gayan. I´m glad to meet you, too.

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